As my schedule has gotten much busier, I’ve researched how I can make my life just a little bit easier while also taking better care of my body and well, me! I’m counting down the days until my favorite season and I’m trying to make time for what may seem trivial when looking at the big picture but is so appreciated when it comes to a little me-time. Here are the ways I’ve found help me relax and breathe. They may not be for you, but I hope it gets you thinking about how you will take a little extra 5 minutes for yourself this season!
- Spend extra time on skin care. Prior to these past couple of months, I’ve never had a skin care routine. Can you believe it?! Every now and then I would get a blemish and it would be frustrating, but I recently decided to actually have a set routine for every night. I’ve noticed a small change in my skin which is exciting, but the set routine I have for the week is the most satisfying part. Are you interested in hearing about the products I use?
- Wake up early and go to bed early. I’ve found setting my alarm for every morning has helped me get my day started and make good use of my time. I wake up at 6:45 AM every morning which might seem a bit dramatic, but there’s never enough time in the day! I try to go to bed at a reasonable time to also get a good amount of sleep.
- Spend time with friends and family. I am happiest when I am with the people I love! Therefore, I surround myself with the people I love as much as I can.
- Have a movie day. For me, nothing beats a relaxing (lazy) day in pajamas watching movies all day long! This is one of my favorite things to do on a sick day or after a very busy week to recover.
- Know when you need a break. I, like many others, work all day and come home to only continue to work all night. Blogging is a gig that never stops, however, I’ve realized I will not get work done if I’m too stressed. Take a step back from the screen, unplug, and walk outside every once in a while!
What’s next? A workout routine. I’ve tried working this into my schedule, but unfortunately haven’t had any success. One thing at a time!! Any advice?
Top: Mara Hoffman // Skirt: J. Crew // Shoes: Anthropologie // Bag: c/o French Baskets // Earrings: Similar // Photography: Kailee DiMeglio Photography
These are really great recommendations lady! Like you, I love a set skincare routine and nothing is better than a full on movie day in your pajamas. Perfect for recharging the batteries. Working out is my me time in the middle of the day, I love it and it releases a lot of stress. BBG was the first work out program I’ve really stuck do and continued doing for months and months.
xo Laura Leigh
Louella Reese
Ah yes, I’ve seen you doing your BBG! Maybe that’s the secret! I’ll have to look into it!
xo, Hillary