It’s obvious that Instagram has taken over the blogger world. More and more people are referencing blogger’s Instagram accounts for what to buy and inspiration as opposed to typing in their URL and reading a blog post. So why am I spending so much time here on my website?VIEW THIS POST
How I Create Content
The hardest part of my job (yes, I consider blogging my job) isn’t necessarily the writing of a blog post. It’s the planning that goes into a blog post. I recently spoke with the fashion merchandising class at North Gwinnett High School in my hometown in Georgia about blogging, and one of the questions they had for me wasVIEW THIS POST
Hitting Publish…
If you haven’t noticed, I’ve upped my blog posting game in the last couple of weeks! I post twice a week (sometimes three for my Trending Tuesday series) and regularly update my website. Of course, blogging is a huge part of well, blogging. However,VIEW THIS POST
Live Colorfully
For those of you who follow my blog, but are not bloggers, I’ll be real with you… blogging is not a cakewalk. It’s not all sunshine and rainbows as it seems (however, can we talk about how awesome this floor is?! Definitely all sunshine and rainbows here!), it’s a large investment full of many emails and as my friend Laura of Louella Reese put it, a constant “comparison game”. I recently decided to take a small step back from the events and the dinners and reevaluate this current love-hate relationship I’m experiencing. VIEW THIS POST
One Year Later
Today I am celebrating one year of my blog, hillheady!!! What began as a nickname and a hobby to pass the time while searching for jobs after graduating college, has now one year later become many late night blog posts, 7:30AM photo shoots with Laurel Creative, and countless fun and colorful outfits!VIEW THIS POST
Follow Friday
I started my blog last May when I moved to New York as a little hobby to keep myself busy as I searched for my post grad big girl job. I never thought it would lead to meeting some amazing new friends and creating a little blogging community! Therefore, I wanted to share with you some of my favorite bloggers – some I knew before hillheady and some I’ve met throughout this new journey!VIEW THIS POST